This does mean that, for Runescape gamers, the game upgrade of today will be delivered whenever possible after this week. We’ll edit this post once we have a day that is. Thank you for understanding and OSRS gold your patience. This shift represents a large change to how we operate, and you might be wondering whether this will impact RuneScape and Old School. It’s possible that there might be fewer game upgrades and livestreams in the short term, but we’ll communicate any program changes. We do not envisage any modifications to our plans for the year.
That’s it from us. We’d like to thank you and we’ll leave this to you. Please listen to expert advice — be sure to regularly wash your hands for 20 minutes (just hum to yourself the first four bars of Sea Shanty 2 in the event that you need help) and to follow the advice outlined by your own government.
Yeah I’d be suprised when it happens time. Cases of Corona are gont burst and if enough men and women get it soon enough everyone will know someone who has it and will be made to self-evident. Plus the government said today that it has”no plans to ration food” contained in the approaching emergency legislation they are making.
Not to mention all the other staff needed to maintain the offices open, servers running, etc.. Hopefully it will not be postponed but it probably more complex than we think and if instances of the virus maintain doubling every day or 2 who knows what the problem will be.
To be honest given the situation they do? Plus everything is slowly shutting down and official advice is to stay at home if you have even a cough or mild temperature. I am not surprised or disappointed really. If Archaeology is NOT postponed at this time I would be surprised. This virus crap is going to buy RS gold get worse before it gets better along with the UK authorities do not exactly appear to be on top of things at this time.
smart chen created the group This does mean that, for Runescape gamers 4 years, 4 months ago