PSOs always been fairly well known in the West though. We have gotten whatever that Japan has, PSO2 is the exception. There is still a lot of players around the English blocks though the match is old news. My worry is that everybody is it over and who wanted to play, currently had, or will just stick to PSO2 Meseta JP servers. I just don’t want to observe the servers that are English fade out soon. For P2W, I’m not really sure. There did not seem to be anything overt, however, the translation problems always wind up discouraging me by enjoying so that I do not know if there is something which ends up being P2W. From what I could tell though, all of the things you had to make just like in the games. I can’t see them making it worse to the West, because we are the stuff.
It is only P2W from the feeling that you are in a position to sell the cosmetics to other players for meseta, which could cause some backlash? See the recent Archeage release for example. Though by obstructing that, it would then mean that non-paying players can not access the majority of makeup with no paying, and makeup is a fairly major section of an anime game like this. Granted, any game with a player trading system will end from bots and RMT, therefore it will not make much difference anyway.
PSO2 includes a limited direct player trading platform, in exactly what you can trade and that there are a few caps on how much. You also need direct commerce lol to be initiated by VIP. Trading is done through player shops, which is much more of an auction house kind of system. RMT would subsequently be done by listing a product having an absurdly specific cost and having the gold farmer purchase that said thing.
Cosmetic items being marketed for ingame money by other players is a mixed bag for me because I’ve seen exactly the exact same practice on a game named Mabinogi. I am not sure how it’s now but when I last played (back when guns were published ) the cost of cosmetic items skyrocketed and caused an inflation which buy Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta made even ordinary items found easily in the game leap in cost. When the game started having a thousand golden was a milestone, when I stopped it was expected to get it by the time you leave the first area.