I am hopin it does well and it attracts people back into a more practical mentality towards struggles to help w/the later xpacs – if they’re published – or even the latest one as time continues. It could assist w/weak PUGs and make more consistently useful groups, overall.Fairly excited about wow classic gold, although I will still focus on”Retail” wow.
I think WoW Classic will be”simpler” not simply because of the debuff limit, but largely because the average player knows WAY more today then we understood back then. MC was”difficult” back in the day, though there was really only 1 mechanic each boss. BWL was not much different. Now, there are numerous mechanisms for various groups inside a different phase of any boss (sorry perplexing description on goal ).buy wow classic gold was unique not due to the content, but because the player base was literally learning how to perform an MMO like warcraft. That said, I’m still anticipating this launch.
I really hope Blizzard doesnt do any sharding in WoW Classic since I believe that if they are ok sharding the beginning zones we may see sharding when AQ is discharged / the event happens, when Naxx is released, as soon as a world manager uttered, or a community event is coordinated and sharding in these scenarios would kill the neighborhood and game for me.
I feel like any of the events said could pull many countless people to a single zone and when Blizzard servers cant manage a couple hundred people in every beginning zone without crashing then they wont be able to deal with those events without crashing too.I will probably be amazed if a realm discord server becomes the main way people find bands. I’d expect people to locate classes on the planet chat station like we utilize to I fondly recall spamming a planet”LFG” channel searching for groups, selling items, and looking for people to join my guild.
rsgoldfastshop created the group
Fairly excited about wow classic gold 5 years, 11 months ago